This week I learned: How to learn
I get distracted on Youtube. I watch one thing and end up watching 10 other things, because ADHD is cool that way. I’m an absolute sucker for click bait.
It almost never pays off, but a week ago I struck gold (“How To Remember Everything You Learn”).
I forget most videos almost straight away. Usually it’s gone forever. Sometimes I remember tiny bits and pieces.
Not anymore.
The video has three “tricks”.
- Recall
- Retell
- Revisit
This is simple. Whenever you read or watch something, take a break after each section and think about what you just learned for about 30 seconds.
Scientist have looked at it. They found that students who studied this way got 80% right answers on a test about what they read. Students who just read it everything two times got only 34% right answers.
That is a very big difference and it didn’t take much time.
Note: I did remember the conclusion of the study, but did not recall the percentages.
This is called “The Feynman Technique”. It is named for a scientist named Richard Feynman. This is how it works:
- Pick something you want to learn. Let’s say it’s a book. Start reading.
- Write down what you learn.
- If you get stuck, look in the book to help you remember.
- Keep doing this until you can explain it without using the book.
- Make it easy to understand. Rewrite what you wrote so that a child would understand. Feynman recommended using analogies.
If you really really want to remember it, you should read it again later.
What do you think is better?
a) Exercise a little bit every day for a long time, or
b) exercising A LOT for a week and sitting on your couch for the rest of the year?
It’s the same with learning stuff. Reading it again every month for 6 months is much better than reading it 6 times in the same day.
You guessed it by now. This story is my attempt to use the Feynman technique. Pretty meta, huh?
If I read something and don’t feel like using any of these techniques I should think about whether it’s worth reading/watching at all. Why spend time on something you’ll almost instantly forget?
Maybe this will turn into a recurring series. Probably not. But maybe.